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Public Facing Oracle Analytics Reporting Solution

NexGen Technologies


Public Facing Reporting System using Oracle

Our client, the Bureau of Land Management, hosts an enterprise reporting application that is used by over 25 National Applications. They have a requirement to host all application reporting data from one single enterprise reporting application, with both internal user and external user access.


Due to license constraints, a demand for simplified architecture, and lower cost of ownership, it was not feasible to have a separate externally facing enterprise reporting instance hosted.  Therefore, one internal facing enterprise reporting instance of Oracle Analytics had to be leveraged to host public reports while meeting all DOI security requirements.

Solution for a Public Facing Oracle Analytics Reporting System

NexGen deployed the internal-facing Oracle Analytics platform within the BLM and assessed various alternatives to host public-facing reports with security constraints in mind. The Public Facing Oracle Analytics Reporting Solution was designed to centralize access to both internal and external reports, ensuring full compliance with security and privacy requirements. To provide a user-friendly home page to access all public reports, in line with the existing web style guide and 508 accessibility requirements, NexGen built a mobile-responsive public-facing application. This system embeds Oracle Analytics reports within an iFrame of multiple site pages, making it the first DOI implementation of public reports within the Oracle Analytics platform. A user administrative console was also developed to allow business leads to customize content on the public site, such as user guides, special notifications, and other helpful resources..

We implemented an authentication solution to allow anonymous public users to access these reports without a login, with row level permissions at the database and physical data model levels to ensure internal data could not be accessible by the public. 

Image of a report

To meet security and privacy standards for public facing reports that contained sensitive data, NexGen implemented as a zero-trust compliant phishing resistant multi-factor solution for public user authentication.


About NexGen:

NexGen Technologies (NexGen) provides the people, processes, and solutions that help make innovative IT transformation possible across your systems and applications.

 We specialize in delivering top-tier IT support services, specifically tailored for the unique needs of the federal government. Our dedicated team combines cutting-edge technology with deep industry expertise to ensure your projects meet the highest standards of quality and security.

For more information, please contact NexGen at or (720) 377-1800.

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